Weekend Reading: CRE Industry

Written by Brent Carnduff | July 19, 2019

In our effort to stay current on the opportunities, challenges, and trends in the real estate space, we follow or subscribe to almost 100 publications that cover economics, local markets, real estate, and political news. Our goal with this weekly blog post is to share the best of those articles with the commercial real estate industry.

This week:

  • Restaurants joining the Coworking mix
  • Coworking desk prices dropping
  • Demand for cold storage increasing
  • Grocer's struggle to make new model's profitable
  • Open office workers looking for privacy options in Pods

Why Restaurants are Throwing Their Hat into the Coworking Ring on JLL

Cafes have long been a favourite makeshift work spot for freelancers and businesspeople in between meetings. Now, a growing number of restaurants are looking to build on that set-up by formally getting involved in the coworking scene.

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The Global Coworking Boom is Finally Causing Desk Prices to Drop by Mike Phillips on Bisnow

For the past few years, coworking and flexible workspace have been something of a one-way bet for the companies getting into the business. Supply has risen rapidly but demand has risen faster, and so prices have continued to increase.

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All that Online Grocery Shopping is Causing a Cold Storage Shortage by Roger Vincent on the Los Angeles Times

Consumers, particularly younger buyers, are turning more and more to online grocery shopping and prepared meal services, which means more refrigerated warehouses are needed to keep that stuff cold.

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Food's Last Mile by Brielle Scott on NAIOP

“For every dollar you give a grocery, they keep only one penny,” said Owens. “Cost efficiency is very important to these companies.”

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Can 'Pods' Bring Quiet to the Noisy Open Office by Sarah Holder on CityLab

Now that office walls have come down, workers are ducking into closet-sized “pods” for privacy and quiet. Is this a retreat from the open office or the next phase of it?

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